

Thursday, June 23, 2011

mY jOb inTerView


然后我就告诉她我来不及去了,她就问我有没有收到email, then我告诉她我没有收到。

我一进去的时候,有一位小姐就叫我fill form了。
我fill到要命啊,那个form有3面耶,很多要填哦...呵呵... 填到手都累了 :p


我的自我介绍内容很简单,因为这是我第一次遇到很另类的面试方式,有点不习惯。呵呵 :p
当我停的时候,他就会叫我继续说下去,他说我可以说说我的family,在Brooke Dockyard internship 的时候学了什么东东 etc...
我听了之后我就继续bla 下去咯,想到什么就bla什么咯。哈哈...

他有问我擅长什么,我就告诉他drawings,其实我要讲的是用software来画画,譬如用autoCAD画图, Eagle or Diptrace画电子图。但是,我还是没说出口 =( 我猜想他应该懂我指的是什么耶 XD 我还告诉他其实我不明白我自己要的是什么,不知道兴趣什么。LOL... 你说我是不是很笨呢?既然跟老板说这个 @@" 他听了也没什么反应。LOL... 奇怪hor @@
我这个interview是不是太怪了嘛 XD

这是不是short term memory lost?
还是,他说了太多东西弄到我不想专心的听他说什么 =.="

同时我心想我可能又不中了 T____T
奇怪的是,他什么反应都没有,就跟我说他会take note about this...
他很cool对不对?@@" 也许真人不露相 =X

如果失败会很丢脸的耶 =X 呵呵...


我就写到这儿为止了哦~ 嘻嘻...
我下次会分享关于我工作的环境与心情哦 :p 哈哈...
如果我有空的话啦 =X

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

mY 1sT PaSspOrT

Aloha everyone :D
How have you been? hehe...

I have finally finished my final exam already.
I'm having holiday now! haha...
But I'm jobless now =(
any job wants me?

Yesterday early in the morning, I had a bad dream @@"
It's really made me so shocking and sad =(
I dreamed that I failed one subject. IssSSssS! *touch wood*

Yesterday afternoon, me and my darling went to do passport together.
We reached there around 12sth...
then half way in the middle of the walk path,
we've been stopped by the people from the road side's booth (outside the building) to take photos and fill the passport application forms at their booth.
we're actually didn't really trust them, we thought they're cheater =X
I was wondering why they're so willing to work outside instead of inside the building since the weather was so hot @@"
Anyway, we still bought the form from them and they took my darling's photo.
After that, we went to a shop (outside ground floor, from the same building) to photostat our ICs and birth certs.

Then we're heading to 1st floor of that building (i forgot the building's name @@).
When we reached to the department, it's 1:05pm.
And all the counters were closed already including counter 3.
We saw a notice stated that they're closed at 1 - 2pm.
We're just like...oh S*it! LOL.
It's so unlucky! @@"
Then we're sitting there until 2pm for the counter to open.

After they've processed our application form (after 1 hour),
we're asked to pay 100 ringgit each at the 'Juru Wang' counter.
From the receipt, it stated that we can take the passport after 1 hour of processing.
Then, my darling sent me back to uni to take the car and he went back to work.
So i drove back to that place again around 3:45 pm.
When I reached to that department, I saw someone took number from counter 14,
that time I was like OMG, I needed to take a number and wait @@! for my turn.
Oh s*it, I should take a number earlier before I went out to take my car.
But there're no people at the counter 14 and 15 >:(
I didn't know that we actually can ring a bell which was at the counter 14.
Coz I didn't see it lor...
I finally got it at 4:45pm XD
I was so happy that time because I have my own passport already
after waiting for so long.hahahahaha... ;)

Anyway, this was our first time experience, and it's very tiring...
Me and Him have been waited there for around 4 hours @@"
Both of us really learned something from there,
which was we should have to be fast in action, for example we should start to queue up 15 minutes earlier before they open the counter, pay fast, and faster get a number from next counter. Or we can go there in the morning after 8am.
We will remember to do this for the next renewal of passport.hahaha...
we won't be that stupid next time already *wink*
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