

Wednesday, August 11, 2010




底价都是1000元 (reserve price 1000dollar)

身高超过170cm,每过1cm+100元 (height > 170cm, exceed each 1cm +100dollar)
身高低于170cm,每低1cm-100元 (height <170cm,> 70kg -100)
体重不足120斤的,每差10斤-100元 (not enough 60kg -100)
近视的,超过300度,每100度-100元 (short-sighted >300degree, each 100 degree -100)
谈过恋爱的,被甩一次+100元,甩别人一次-100元 (Love relationship, was dumped by others +100, dump others -100)
没有谈过恋爱的+100元 (never fall in love +100)
超过25岁的,每超1岁-100元 (age >25, each 1 yr old -100)
有病史的,每一项-100元 (sickness history, each sickness -100)
不会麻将+100元 (don't know how to play mahjong, +100)
不会喝酒+100元 (don't know how to drink alcohol, +100)
嗜酒的-200元 (addicted to alcohol -200)
抽烟的-200 (smoking -200)
养宠物+100元 (have pet +100)。。喜欢宠物的加50 (love pet +50)
会做饭+300元 (cooking +300)
幽默风趣的+100 (humor +100)
会陪你逛街的+100 (will accompany you go shopping +100)
不懂事。总任性的-200 (immature -200)
总告诉你想你的+100 (always tell you he misses you +100)
同学聚会喜欢带你去的+100 (like to bring you to friends' party/gathering(if any)+100)
会关心你。。不让你抽烟,喝酒的+100 (cares about you, don't allow you to smoke and drink +100)
平时不打扰你的个人生活+100 (usually won't bothering your personal life +100)
会按照你喜欢的方式打扮自己的+100 (he will dress up himself according the way you like +100)
不会洗衣服的-200 (don't know how to wash clothes -200)
每天都要吵架的-200 (always quarrel -200)
吵架不管是不是他错。。总先他找你的+100 (no matter he is right or wrong in quarrel, he'll always find you first +100)
每天要他哄你睡觉的+100 (always want him to coax you to sleep +100)
很听话的+100。。。只对你听话。。对别人不听话的+200 (very obedient +100...only obedient to you...doesn't obedient to others +200)
会为你哭的+100 (will cry for you +100)
总惹你哭的-100 (always make you cry -100)
很体贴想要什么都会给你买的+200 (very caring and if you want anything he will buy for you +200)
在你朋友面前不任性的+100 (i don't know how to translate this)
会浪漫的+100 (romantic +100)
会给你洗衣服的+100 (willing do laundry for you +100)
成熟稳重的+100 (mature +100)
跟你在一起不爱笑的-200 (doesn't love to smile when he is with you -200)
会送你他亲手做的东西+100 (will give you his own handmade things +100)
总说你丑的-200 (always say you ugly -200)
没照过大头贴的-200 (never self take 'big head' photo -200)
会帮你系鞋带的+200 (willing to help you to tie your shoelace +200)

1500以下就别要了 (less than 1500 better don't want this guy)
1500到2500正常 (1500 - 2500 normal guy)
2500到3500精品 (2500 - 3500 the best)
3500以上你这辈子有着落了。赶紧嫁吧没有了!(more than 3500 faster marry with him)



  1. Annie, i'll translate for you =) so that you can play also ^^

  2. lol...I just realized it @@" it's my little sister. She forgot to log out her blog account just now >.< and I didn't know I use her account to reply you XD


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